by Fran Montano

I wrote this book while teaching acting classes for over 30 years.  It is a compilation of my notes and exercises that are used in our Foundation Class.  I have found when coaching actors from all levels of experience and training, that certain aspects of their work was weak, sloppy, or not grounded in strong emotional life. So, over time I developed a series of exercises that builds a solid foundation of preparation, activities, and working moment to moment, to create a spontaneous unique chemistry with each performance.  Some of the exercises come from the school of “Method Acting” and some from “The Meisner Technique”. So whatever your background, it speaks and adds to all theories of training.

If you’re a beginning actor, it will give you the foundation of what the work is all about, if you’re an intermediate or advanced actor, it will refresh, sharpen, and strengthen your skills.

I tell new actors that when they take and complete all the work of the Foundation Course, which  uses this book as it’s textbook, you will know three things; 1) what the acting craft is about, 2) if you’re any good at it, and 3) If you want to pursue it further either as a personal interest or profession. I know this to be true from the experience of taking hundreds of actors through this program for over 30 years.